Lycetts offers a unique moor insurance policy for moorland owners and shooting tenants. We offer cover for £10,000 worth of fire-fighting costs, with extended cover available in further batches of £10,000 of indemnity.
An excess of £1,000 or 10% of the sum insured – whichever sum is greater – applies in respect of every loss occurring within each period of insurance. However, no excess is applicable if the Fire Brigade Officer in charge at the time of the incident provides authority, or if authority is given in writing afterwards. The cover excludes any cost for which you are not liable, and it does not provide for losses arising out of deliberate burning off by you or your employees.
Lycetts will donate 10% of the value of any moorland fire-fighting premium arranged on behalf of a Heather Trust member to the Heather Trust. For further information about the Heather Trust, please contact Simon Thorp on 01387 723 201 or email
If the claim is to be for theft or malicious damage, please remember to report the incident to the police and obtain a crime reference number. On larger claims (in excess of 2,000), insurers may wish to appoint a loss adjuster, in which case your Lycetts team will provide advice on procedure. Regarding liability claims, it is essential that any potential claims are notified to Lycetts immediately and all correspondence is promptly forwarded to your Lycetts contact.
We have a wide spectrum of products suitable for your individual requirements.
For more information about our products and services or to speak to one of our team about your individual requirements do contact one of our experts directly or complete your details below to contact the team and we will respond to you directly.