The risk of pollution is ever present in agriculture and the Environmental Liability Directive ensures that legislation operates on the polluter pays principle. For example, it includes accidentally ploughing up rare habitats or even overgrazing.
Costs incurred through a pollution event can be expensive, with clean up and containment, EA or SEPA charges combining with the costs associated with reinstatement of the natural environment. Lycetts can arrange cover to protect against these costs from both sudden and gradually operating incidents.
Costs a farming business could be exposed to include;
If the claim is to be for theft or malicious damage, please remember to report the incident to the police and obtain a crime reference number. On larger claims (in excess of £2,000), insurers may wish to appoint a loss adjuster, in which case your Lycetts team will provide advice on procedure. Regarding liability claims, it is essential that any potential claims are notified to Lycetts immediately and all correspondence is promptly forwarded to your Lycetts contact.
We have a wide spectrum of products suitable for your individual requirements.