Farmers warned of livestock danger after surge in countryside walkers

June 24th 2021

Farmers should consider steps to protect themselves, ramblers and livestock.

Farmers are being urged to stay vigilant this summer and ensure that the public and livestock and their young are kept separate and safe, to avoid endangering lives and jeopardising livelihoods.

As the trend for countryside walking sets to continue post-lockdown, farmers need to be considering steps to protect themselves, ramblers and livestock.

Government figures show that by summer 2020, 39 per cent of people were walking more than before the pandemic struck – with 94 per cent claiming they would continue once travel restrictions were removed.

The growing popularity of staycations also poses a risk. Department of Transport figures revealed that 20 per cent of respondents would plan more holidays in the UK post-lockdown, leading to a long-term rise in summertime countryside walkers.

Even the most placid farm animals can become dangerous when they are stressed, with adverse weather, illness, disturbance, or maternal instincts just some of the triggers. Farmers understand and recognise signs of stress – but many members of the public don’t.

Sadly, every year people are seriously and fatally injured by livestock, both farmers and members of the public. These animals should never be underestimated, particularly at this time of year, when cattle have calves at foot and protective maternal instincts are at play.

Wherever possible, farmers should keep cattle in fields that do not have public access, especially when cattle are calving or have calves at foot and during periods of high footfall.

When it comes to bulls, certain breeds, for example Ayrshire, Friesian, Holstein, Dairy Shorthorn, Guernsey, Jersey and Kerry, are in all circumstances banned from being at large in fields crossed by public rights of way. Beef bulls are banned from fields with footpaths unless accompanied by cows or heifers.

For bull breeds that are permitted, consider the animal’s temperament and keep an eye on its demeanour. Remove it from the field if its behaviour begins to give cause for concern.

Farmers who keep livestock in fields crossed by public rights of way may face prosecution if walkers are injured by their livestock, and negligence is proved.

Flouting health and safety rules and inadequate risk management is a threat to public safety and could put the viability of a farmer’s business in jeopardy.

Being vigilant will help keep walkers safe and may reduce farmers’ liability, should an incident occur.

Perimeters should be well-maintained, with farmers checking daily for signs of damage.  When moving cattle, pre-plan the journey, making efforts to limit contact with members of the public and to warn any passers-by to stay back at a safe distance.

Farmers should erect appropriate signage, which is informative, accurate and in clear view of the public when animals are present – but take care not to avoid misleading signs which deter the public from exercising their right of responsible access, as these are likely to be regarded as obstruction.

Finally, farmers should bear in mind that previously quiet rights of way may have become more populated. Greater numbers mean greater risk, so although incidents may not have occurred in the past, reviewing safety procedures and signage in light of the current circumstances is a must.

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